Monday, 29 June 2009

HGV Traffic & Planning

Believe it or not there are national Planning guidelines in place to protect the environment, communities, and individuals from the worst impacts of development. The policy that covers the impact of freight transport on local communties is Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport, the full guide can be found here but the section that supports our claims can be found under Freight:

46. Freight movements, particularly those serving developments near to residential areas and in town centres, are often restricted in their hours of operation, through the imposition of conditions, because of concerns over disturbance to residents. However, these restrictions can have the effect of exacerbating congestion during peak times, increasing local pollution, and discouraging further investment in central urban locations. Policies need to strike a balance between the interests of local residents and those of the wider community, including the need to protect the vitality of urban economies, local employment opportunities and the overall quality of life in towns and cities. Local authorities, freight operators, businesses and developers should work together, within the context of freight quality partnerships, to agree on lorry routes and loading and unloading facilities and on reducing vehicle emissions and vehicle and delivery noise levels, to enable a more efficient and sustainable approach to deliveries in such sensitive locations.

Leeds City Council Planning Department has openly stated that they decided that the impact of the ARLA Foods and the Royal Mail distribution depots would be acceptable - the interests of local people were not considered!

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Support Wanted

Speeds in excess of 70MPH have been recorded by the local authority along Leeds/Wakefield road, 5 years ago the council stated that there was a serious speeding problem along the route - nothing has been done! There is a flow of noisy HGV traffic along the route during night time hours - Government guidance and Planning policies say that this shouldn't happen!

There has already been one major petition supporting calls for action - the authorities simply ignored it!

If there is to be any hope of putting things right there needs to be more people complaining 'officially' -often easier said than done, it's difficult to know what to say, or where to complain to!

We know that traffic issues generally in the area are a source of great concern and complaint so we have launched this site to update the community on what is, or more usually isn't, being done by the authorities, and to give a greater number of individuals the chance to get involved, comment and/or complain - in complete annonimity if preferred.

If you feel strongly that something should be done please send an email to
or text 'support' to 07985 991072