Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Political Irony?

It seems that it is OK to acknowledge that passing HGVs and other trucks might keep people awake at night ...  IF you are using it for poltical means, as may be seen in this letter that appears in this month's Rothwell and District Record, from Councillor Stewart Golton:
(Double click to view clearly)

We have been asking to Cllr Golton to do something about the existing problem of disturbance from night time HGV traffic for years now but clearly the complaints of local residents are of no consequence!

Online Petition - Press coverage

The following article appeared in the Yorkshire Evening Post, 30 May 2012. Double click to view:

Friday, 25 May 2012


It's almost 12 months since we reported on the meeting held with Karen Bruce (11 June 2011), and it really did look then as though we might just somewhere.  Then on 19 December 2011 we posted a comment from our MP, Alec Shelbrooke, confiming that the installation of speed cameras is at the discretion of the local authority.  It is now 25 May 2012 and what has happened?  NOTHING!

For the motorists amongst us who travel in and around Leeds, speed cameras are a reasonably common occurence, what makes the local residents of those areas more important than us?  THEY ARE BETTER SUPPORTED BY THEIR LOCAL COUNCILLORS, & MPs!

LAWRRAG has no political affiliations, we've had many years of hot air and inaction from Liberal Democrats councillors, and a Labour MP, we've had verbal support from a Labour Councillor, and a Conservative MP, but that's all!

Saturday, 12 May 2012

New Online Petition - Please sign

Many thanks to Mark for setting up this online petition, please take the time to add your name:

Thank you.