Thursday 8 April 2010

Proposed development off M62, Stanley - Objection

Details of the proposed development were very late in reaching residents in Oulton, Rothwell, and Woodlesford, so late that many people will have missed the deadline for lodging their objections to Wakefield City Council.

The proposed 24/7 development is massive, and will include industrial and distribution units, a business park, a hotel, fast food chains, and a rugby stadium for Wakefield Wildcats. More details, and links to the planning application submission documents can be found at If this development goes ahead there will be major traffic implications for our area.

Objection - A letter of objection has been sent in the name of LAWRRAG to Wakefield City Council on the grounds that the traffic generated by the development will have a direct and detrimental effect upon the quality of life for people living along and close by Leeds Wakefield Road - unless steps are taken to address the potential problems at planning stage. Sitting on the fence? - The development has received a lot of support in the local and regional press, and there may be many local residents who support the development, for that reason the LAWRRAG objection is solely related to traffic impact.