Thursday 20 January 2011

Communication breakdown?

The following is the text from an email sent on 22 December 2010 to Alec Shelbrooke MP, and copied to Councillor Golton -

We have been asked to write a piece for the Rothwell and District Record by way of an update …

But as 2010 draws to a close, the only thing I have to say is that exactly 6 years after Brian and Walker met with ‘senior’ council officers, where they confirmed that there actually was a problem with speeding along the A642/A639 (WOW it only took them a year to work it out!), we now have a greater volume of high speed traffic and greater numbers of speeding night-time HGV vehicles than we did when the problem was ‘serious’, and nobody elected to serve the community gives a damn!

Yes we have flashing ‘slow down’ signs (what a waste of money), and we have the occasional mobile speed camera, which will no doubt be one of the first things to go in the ludicrous cuts, but

.. we now have a greater volume of high speed traffic and greater numbers of speeding night-time HGV vehicles than we did when the problem was ‘serious’.

I can add that the mobile speed camera does result on a reduction in speed, some of it just in time, but the lack of joined up thinking continues to baffle sensible thinking folk –

- As the van is only there occasionally does that mean that it Is OK to speed 99% of the time?

- If a mobile speed camera results in a reduction in speeding, why not stick a speed camera up? Or even simpler, just park an empty ‘marked-up’ van there!

It would be nice not to have to dwell on the ignorance, contempt, and arrogance shown by those in the council with regard to such matters as Planning, Highways, and Environmental directives already in place to protect communities, and to be able to include something positive.

if a reply is ever received it will be posted!