Friday 13 August 2010

Invitation from the Rothwell Record

In response to the following query sent by the writer to the Rothwell Record:

It occurred to me that over 3 months have gone by since the ‘lay-by’ issue was raised. Just a thought - as a follow up it would be good to find out from Stewart Golton how often the police have used the lay-by, what the results have been, and what a worthwhile investment it has all been - I think we all know the answer! The term ‘as much use as a chocolate fire guard’ springs to mind (take your pick as to what I’m referring to!).

The deputy editor replied:

I have chased this issue up today but am unable to get hold of Stewart at the present time. I will keep trying but in the meantime do you have anything to add? What do the members of Lawrrag think? (I can guess!) Would anyone be happy to comment or maybe write a letter (name and address can be withheld!)

This is good opportunity to keep matters in the public eye and, unlike our emails, the Rothwell Record is read by the local councillors.

We will make mention of the support from Alec Shelbrooke MP, and it would be beneficial to have the opinions of other supporters, even if these are only 'one-liners'. Please note that names and addresses can be withheld.

This is a great opportunity to say how you feel about the speeding, the HGV traffic, the councillors involvement, etc etc. Please consider giving an opinion, no matter how short, and email it to by Tuesday 17th August.

Until the councillors accept that there are or more than a handful of people complaining it remains an uphill battle.