Monday 9 August 2010

Media person wanted

One suggestion that has been made (again) is that Yorkshire Post newspapers might run a feature on how bad the situation has become and what little support there has been from the local councillors.

LAWRRAG has had mention in a positive light in the YP/YEP on a number of occasions in the past and although newspaper stories are short-lived, this has a lot going for it, particularly at the moment:

• There have been recent articles and letters in the YP newspapers about councillor’s payments, and entitlements. ‘Outrage’ seems to be a common thread.
• Local councillor Stewart Golton is now leader of the Lib Dems in Leeds and as such sits on the executive management board of Leeds City Council. (The surprise and bewilderment at this was best dealt with in the 18 June 2010 posting)

If this is to be followed up is there anyone willing/available to contact the Yorkshire Post? Your chance to become the Press Officer. It is our experience that if YP is to run a story they will want a photograph of ‘concerned’ looking residents, do we have volunteers?